A question that often pops up in Divi groups on Facebook is how to create a scrolling logo carousel. For Divi based sites, a common go to answer would be the excellent and recently updated tutorial How to Create a Scrolling Image Carousel in Divi by the brilliant Michelle Nunan. But for those who don’t have the time or who aren’t ready to DIY, there’s a great free alternative called Logo Carousel by Sleepless Developers.

Update: Looks like the developers have pulled this plugin from the WordPress repository. It can now be found on GitHub. Although there is no indication of why the plugin has been removed, it could be because of a security vulnerability so please be aware that you will be using it at your own risk.

The Demo


Logo Carousel is packed with pretty much all that you’ll need to create attractive scrolling logo carousels.

Here’s a list of the key features:

  • You can use more than one Logo Carousel per page
  • It supports both vertical and horizontal orientations
  • It can be set to either scroll (ticker mode) or to slide and pause for every logo (like the demo above)
  • It supports multiple carousels and each one can be individually customised
  • It’s responsive
  • It has an optional grayscale image effect (the logos are displayed in grayscale but switch to color when you mouse over them)
  • You can insert it in any module that supports shortcodes
  • You can choose to show or hide captions
  • You can add links to logos and choose whether they open in a new tab or the same
  • It supports four different ways to order the logos (Custom, Random, Title, Date)
  • It can also do full width, assuming you have enough logos

Aside from it’s simplicity, price, and ease of use, this plugin is also well maintained with 18 updates to date since it was first release in 2013.

Wrapping It Up

Well there you have it folks, a free and easy to use plugin for your next scrolling logo carousel.

If you have a favorite carousel plugin, feel free to mention it in the comments below.

Photo by Miles Storey on Unsplash