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More Free Divi Related Plugins

A little while back I published a list of 10 Free And Handy Divi Plugins and have in the meantime discovered a few more. Like the last time, this list consists of a mix of third-party plugins and one by Elegant Themes themselves.

So without further ado, let’s dive into the list.

WooCommerce List View for Divi Theme

This plugin you can change the default WooCommerce grid view of Shop, Categories & Tags to an elegant blog style list. The plugin also comes with options to display the product short description, read more, and add to cart buttons.


Divi Custom Login Page

With this plugin you can transform the stock WordPress login page into something way more glamourous. The plugin comes with 7 pre built templates which you can use as the starting point for your own masterpiece.


Divi Tweaker

Divi Tweaker comes with a toolbox full of Divi goodies! They are broken into four categories (a few features highlighted):

  • Speed Optimization
    • Speed up Divi and WooCommerce
    • LazyLoad for images
    • Remove query strings from static resources
  • Page Transitions
    • Select a transition for page in and page out
  • Design Tweaks
    • Add text next to the mobile menu icon
    • Pull to refresh
  • Advanced Tweaks
    • Clear local storage
    • Enable Divi Builder on Custom Post Types
    • Show Image URL input field on the New Divi Background UI


Standard Divi Modules to Extra Category Builder

Okay, so this one isn’t aimed at Divi users but if you’re using Extra then this nifty little plugin will add over 20 standard Divi Modules to your Extra Theme Category Builder.


Divi Children 3

Divi Children 3 is a Divi child theme creator that adds over 250 settings or controls to the Customizer. It uses something the developers of this plugin have called EZ-Builder. It’s a compact, easy to use, drag and drop builder which is integrated into the WordPress Customizer and allows you to customize the following using a visual builder that looks very much like the Divi’s:

  • Footer Credits
  • Post Meta
  • Social Icons
  • Post Layout Builder

For a taste of what this plugin can do, check out this video:


Ultimate Divi Builder Addons

UDBA allows you to apply 23 effects on page or theme template files.


Wrapping It Up

And there you have it, seven cool additions to your Divi toolbox from a couple of very generous developers. My personal favorite would be Divi Children 3 but the others a all gems in their own right so go ahead, play around, discover new things, enjoy the adventure. If there’s any that I’ve missed, please feel free to add it in the comments below.

PS. A big thankyou to the generous developers who have made these plugins freely available to the Divi community.

Disclaimer: I haven’t personally test all these plugins so please make sure your site it backed up or you’re using a staging environment.

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

Divi Notes started as a way to document my own WordPress and Divi web design/development journey and, to my delight, has grown to become a helpful resource to many other Divi users out there. If you’ve found Divi Notes to be useful in your journey, I’d appreciate it if you would consider supporting me using the form below.

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